Here’s a user-friendly guide to filling out the Expense Module with added functionality details:
Step 1: Access the Expense :
Log in to DAAI Business Suit.
Navigate to the Expense Module via the main menu or dashboard. click on the “Add” button.
Step 2: Fill the details :
- Referenced Expense ID: Enter the reference ID if available.
- Expense Type: Select from the dropdown.
- Invoice Date & Payment Date: Use the calendar icon to select dates.
- Is Reimbursement?: Tick the checkbox. A User ID dropdown field will appear to select the user for whom the reimbursement is being added.and it will show in the Reimbursement section in the system.
- Vendor/Supplier: Select the vendor from the dropdown or add a new one using the “+” button.
Note: When a supplier is selected, their address and other details will be auto-filled in the form.
- Supplier Address: Automatically filled when selecting a vendor, but you can manually adjust if needed.
- Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number.
- Net & Total Amount:
Net Amount: Amount before taxes.
Total Amount: Enter these values in the respective fields.
- Is GST/TDS: Tick GST if it applies to this expense. Tick TDS if applicable, and TDS Challan will be auto-generated after saving and navigating to the TDS Challan field for further action.
- Payment Reference Number: Input the reference number.
- Description: Type in a brief description.
- Payment Mode: Choose the mode from the dropdown.
- Email & Phone: Enter the contact details.
- Documents: Click Choose Files to upload.
- Notes: Type your notes in the provided space.
Step 3: Save & Close :
Save: Click to save the expense details.
Close: Use this to exit without saving.
Additional Notes :
Reimbursement: Tick “Is Reimbursement?” to add expenses for a specific user. A User ID dropdown will appear.
Vendor Auto-fill: Selecting a vendor auto-fills their details like an address. Verify for accuracy.
TDS Handling: Ticking “Is TDS?” auto-generates a TDS Challan and redirects to the TDS Challan field.
GST Details: Tick “Is GST?” and provide the correct GSTIN to ensure compliance.
Expense Tracking: Use Referenced Expense ID for linked or recurring expenses.
Net vs Total Amount: Ensure correct amounts before and after tax.
- How can I track and categorized business expense effectively ?
- How does the Expense Module in DAAI Business Suite ensure accurate GST and TDS calculations for expenses?
- How does the Expense Module in DAAI Business Suite handle TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) for business expenses?
- Is there an option to generate expense reports for audits or analysis?